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The Therapy Room, Brookside Cottage, Brookend, Luckington, Chippenham, Wilthsire, SN146PJ

Physical Well-being

Physical Well-being through Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
When you are feeling better mentally you are going to function and feel better physically. When you are feeling positive, motivated and relaxed you are naturally going to go for the healthier options, whether that is to do with your food choices, what amount of exercise you do or maybe you will find that you drink less or feel that much stronger in your decision to stop smoking. A positive mindset will also reduce the level of pain you will experience.
Healthy eating
Chronic pain
Sports performance
'Keen to limit my post op pain relief, hypnosis sessions with Emily have greatly helped me to manage pain through simple relaxation techniques that I am now able to use at home.
Though I was sceptical at first, I'm on much reduced medication and to the joy of my family, I have regained my positivity about the future. I can't thank Emily enough!!
Andrew, Malmesbury Wiltshire
I think most people can relate to the following example – when you are feeling stressed, tired, upset or fed up you will automatically find yourself with a cake in your mouth or your hand held firmly around a wine glass – if you smoke you are likely to be lighting up a cigarette after the cake or with the wine. You don’t feel like doing any exercise and whack on the T.V.
When thinking about pain – have you ever noticed that when you are busy enjoying yourself and feeling happy the bad back pain is a little less noted in your mind? There is a neurological explanation for this which is explained during the free initial consultation.

​Solution focused hypnotherapy works in relation to physical health as it helps to reduce stress, anxiety and low mood and gets you working from a more positive mindset. A positive mindset will naturally reduce the production of stress hormones and boost the amount of “good feeling hormones” that your brain produces. You will feel less tired and will find that you are easily able to make more long term healthier decisions. You will feel more rational in your thoughts and have a stronger voice in your head telling you why the cigarette smoking simply doesn’t make sense and why the 2nd cake is logically not needed.
As with any Solution focused hypnotherapy treatment the first session is the initial consultation which main purpose is to give you as the client an understanding of how the brain works in relation to the changes you want to make – whether that’s to stop smoking, improve your diet, reduce the level of chronic pain you are experiencing or to improve your sports performance.
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